By Jenny Woudenberg, Contributing Blogger
Deep breath in and out…summer hecticness is over. You did it!!
Now it’s time for routine—or at least to attempt to organize your day. Adding a dash of movement and nutrition to your family’s routine will ingrain lifelong healthy habits and bring moments of togetherness in an otherwise separated day of school, extracurricular activities, and work.
And I’m talking about 10-minute energizing workouts and super-quick snacks. This blog is for moms who are juggling a million things, not the perfect Instagram families who run 10 miles a day before eating a chef-prepared breakfast.
Below are a few ideas to add to your routine—take what you want and try it out for a few days. Find a flow that works for your family, and accept that, like the ocean, you will ebb and flow on your healthy family routines.
Start your day with an energizing movement session that wakes everyone up and sets a positive tone for the day. Try a 10-minute family workout session in the living room or backyard. Crank up the music and get moving!
Dye-filled and highly processed snacks can make your kids snarky and destroy their gut health. Opt-in for a few fun, delish, healthy, and grabbable snacks when possible.
On days you aren’t racing off to sports practices till 9 pm, take your family out for a little adventure via wheels and/or feet. Strollers, tricycles, scooters, and whatever else your kids love are welcome. This provides physical activity and fresh air and a great opportunity to talk about everyone’s day. Ask your family what they learned, what made them smile, or what they look forward to tomorrow.
Family health and fitness routines are possible for every family, no matter how busy. Believe in yourself and your family. You CAN do it. Start with doing 2-morning movement sessions a week, and give yourself a big applause—then add an even walk or healthier snack options in your kitchen. The littlest efforts can make the biggest changes.