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RBX Health

Weekend Reset Wellness Tips

Weekend Reset Wellness Tips

By Jem Hanan, Contributing Blogger

The weekend is a welcome reprieve from the responsibilities pulling you in every direction during the week. At the same time, it may feel difficult to truly unwind and savor the time you have before Monday rolls around once again. That’s what the weekend reset is for. Take on the week with a fresh mindset and use the weekend to prioritize you and your health with these 6 tips! 

1. Try an Activity

While the week might not grant you a ton of time to indulge in a longer workout, the weekend definitely does. Maybe there’s a yoga class you’ve been wanting to try but the timing never works on the weekdays. Or maybe there’s a hike you’ve been seeing pop up on your feed. Maybe you just want to spend a bit more time stretching post-workout. Whatever limits a time constraint may be imposing on your weekday activity, the weekend alleviates. So take that class, try that hike, stretch for as long as your heart desires. You and your body will feel better for it.   

2. Outdoor Time

Along the same vein as our last tip, the weekend is a great time to get outdoors, especially if during the week you find yourself inside more often than not. Spending time outdoors, whether it's an arduous hike or a casual walk, will reduce stress and give you time to breathe. This will help you unwind after a hard week and allow you to enter the next one in a calm and collected headspace. 

3. Meditate 

Even if you haven’t tried it before, a weekend reset is the perfect time to begin meditating. Linked with countless health benefits, such as reduced anxiety, better sleep, emotional regulation, and improved focus, meditation is a great way to kick your wellness journey into higher gear. Although it may be difficult to find time to meditate during a busy week, take some time (even just two minutes!) during the weekend to try your hand at meditating. If you’re already a practiced meditator, try a longer session during the weekend, when things are less hectic. 

4. Unplug

As a part of your reset, try taking a break from screens and social media. Unplugging makes you more mindful of your surroundings and the people around you. You can start with an hour and slowly build up to a day! To make it easier, plan activities during that interval, such as catching up with a friend, playing board games with your family, or just taking a walk. After enough time, disconnecting will become easier and easier; you may start looking forward to the weekend just because it’ll be a time without screens. 

5. Prepare Healthy Meals

If you’re busy during the week, cooking a healthy and nutritious meal is a time consuming endeavor that’s difficult to make the time for. However, the weekend is a different story, and gives you the space to cook that yummy, protein-packed meal that’s been collecting digital dust in your Instagram saved folder. You can make a whole day of it, visiting your local farmer’s market for seasonal produce, putting on your favorite music, and taking out the silverware you only use for guests. Or, you can take the time to meal prep for the week, if that’s more your speed. Indulge in a healthy, home-cooked meal on the days that you can, and start a new week feeling good about what you put in your body. 

6. Indulge and Unwind

Light some sweet smelling candles, put on relaxing music, and soak in a warm bath to engage your senses and unwind. Think of your weekend reset as a personal spa day and use those wellness gadgets to their fullest extent. Take your favorite essential oils and drop them in a diffuser, drop a bath bomb in the tub, or finally use that expensive lotion you’ve been saving for a “special occasion.” However you choose to do it, treat yourself! There’s no better way to reset than by making yourself feel good in your own skin. 

A weekend reset is all about balance–taking the time to move, nourish, unwind, and reconnect with yourself before diving into another busy week. By incorporating these small but meaningful practices, you can make the most of your time off, returning to Monday feeling refreshed rather than drained. Whether it’s a long hike, a healthy meal, or simply a few moments of stillness, prioritizing your well-being will set the tone for a more mindful, energized week ahead. So go ahead–reset, recharge, and step into the new week feeling your best.
